Creating Development-Specific Migrations with Ecto

Inspired by the setup script used by my previous team and GitHub's Scripts To Rule Them All repository, I recently set out to create a setup script (and others) for a greenfield PETAL stack application.

When creating the scripts, I hit an issue automating the process of adding PostgreSQL Extensions. While it's relatively easy to add an extension to PostgreSQL (see CREATE EXTENSION), doing this in an Ecto.Migration wouldn't work for us. In following the principle of least privilege, the Postgres role/user used in deployment does not have the access required to run the CREATE EXTENSION query; this means creating extensions in a migration would not work when running in our production environment.

I started my setup script journey by replicating the manual extension creation workflow. To do this, I used the --command flag with the psql command-line tool to run our specified queries.

# script/setup
mix ecto.create
psql --command="CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXIST my_extension"
mix ecto.migrate

While we eventually got something that worked, it was brittle. It required using our new scripts and didn't work well with other mix ecto aliases.

As I was about to call it "good enough for now," I found the post, Automatic and Manual Migrations on the Dashbit blog. The post describes scenarios in which you may want to leverage Ecto's migrations but not have them automatically run as a part of your deployment. They accomplished this using the --migrations-path flag for mix ecto.migrate.

The --migrations-path option enables you to look in a different directory for migration files. Thanks to ecto_sql 3.4, this flag can be included multiple times to specify multiple paths to search. Furthermore, we can utilize the flag differently in different environments. In production, we can limit our migrations to the default priv/repo/migrations path, and, in development and testing, we can look in an additional location. In the post, this enabled automatically running "data migration" migrations in development and testing while providing the ability to run them manually in production. We could follow this same pattern to have migrations that "set up" our database in development and testing and ignore them in production.

Using this concept as the model, I generated a migration that would set up the extensions we needed and used the --migrations-path to specify an alternative location to store the new migration file (I chose priv/repo/setup_migrations).

mix ecto.gen.migration \
  --migrations-path=priv/repo/setup_migrations \

Within the migration itself, I used the same CREATE EXTENTION IF NOT EXIST syntax.

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateNecessaryExtension do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up do
    execute("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS my_extension")

  def down do
    execute("DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS my_extension")

Note: because we had migrations that relied on the extension existing, I also had to update the generated migration to have a timestamp that was earlier than the dependent migrations.

To run these migrations I copied the blog post and added a migrate_all alias to our mix.exs aliases list. I then updated our setup and test aliases to use this new migrate_all action.

# mix.exs

defp aliases
    "ecto.migrate_all": [
        "ecto.migrate \
            --migrations-path=priv/repo/setup_migrations \
    "ecto.setup": [
      "run priv/repo/seeds.exs"
    test: [
      "ecto.create --quiet",
      "ecto.migrate_all --quiet",

Since our setup script was previously using ecto.create and ecto.migrate, I updated it to use the updated ecto.setup alias instead.

# script/setup

mix ecto.create
psql --command="CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXIST my_extension"
mix ecto.migrate
mix ecto.setup

Since it will be uncommon to add setup migrations, one concern I have is forgetting to use mix ecto.migrate_all over the default mix ecto.migrate. If we do not use the migrate_all alias, our development environments will miss out on any new "set up" migrations.

A low-cost solution may be to communicate the need to run mix ecto.migrate_all to the team; this could be a note in the PR, a mention during standup, or a note in chat. While not ideal, I expect this will be rare enough to be sustainable.

Alternatively, if you are following GitHub's Scripts To Rule Them All pattern (or something similar), you may have another option - you could update the script(s) you have to run migrations to use mix ecto.migrate_all. Following GitHub's pattern, script/update is the suggested place to run migrations after pulling down new code. If your team already has a similar script, you should be able to transparently change from mix ecto.migrate to mix ecto.migrate_all.

# script/update


echo "==> Updating db..."
mix ecto.migrate
mix ecto.migrate_all

Overall, I am optimistic about this solution. I think this achieves my goal of easy project setup while having low long-term project maintenance requirements.

How does your team provide an easy setup (and environment maintenance) experience for everyone? While I am happy with the solution so far, we haven't onboarded enough people to claim success. Please reach out and share alternative options that would improve our new process.

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